
取款 & 添加/删除课程

Refund of Institutional Tuition, Housing and Food Charges

LMU operates with an annual budget developed through advance planning built around the institutional mission and goals, including financial obligations to faculty and others who provide necessary services essential for operation. In the event a student drops one or more classes, 撤回, or is administratively dismissed from the University for disciplinary or financial reasons after registration is completed and prior to the end of a semester of enrollment, the student's eligibility for a refund of tuition and/or housing and food charges will be pro-rated as indicated by the refund policy. A student must complete a Change of Schedule form obtained from the Office of the 注册商 for dropping one or more classes. Any situation in which all classes are dropped is considered to be a withdrawal from the University. Any notification of withdrawal and request of refund must be made in writing. 学生是否应该没有正式退学, all semester charges will become immediately due and payable. 

Housing and food charges will not be refunded to any student who 撤回 from campus residency but remains enrolled at LMU during the semester or term.


Applicable institutional charges for fall and spring semesters will be refunded according to the following schedule:



During the first week of the semester          100%

During the second week of the semester      75%

During the third week of the semester          50%

During the fourth week of the semester        25%

After the fourth week of the semester           0%


No refund of institutional charges will be made after the fourth week of the semester.

Refund schedules pertaining to summer and mini terms are adjusted to the varying length of the terms. 的y appear in the Class Schedule published for the given term.



的 official withdrawal process begins in the Office of the 注册商. A withdrawal form must be completed, and all the necessary signatures must be obtained. Oral requests do not constitute official notification. 的 official date of withdrawal used to compute the refund is the date that the 注册商's Office physically receives the form.  






Federal regulations determine how colleges and universities handle Title IV funds when a recipient 撤回 from school. This policy is separate from the university's refund of institutional charges. 的 Return of Title IV funds (R2T4) includes Pell 奖助金, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity 奖助金, 联邦PLUS贷款, 和联邦直接贷款. 的 federal policy 状态s that up through the 60% point in each semester, a pro-rata schedule will be used to determine how much Title IV aid the student has earned. 例如, if the student has attended 31% of the enrollment period, the student has earned 31% of their Title IV aid, and 69% of the aid must be returned to the federal government. 过了这学期60%的分数, the student has earned 100% of the aid for which the student was eligible. Additional information on the Return of Title IV funds may be obtained from the Office of 学生财务服务.

Refund of Housing Reservation and Damage Deposit

的 housing reservation and damage deposit are refundable at the end of the student's tenure in campus housing, provided no damage or loss has occurred in the student's room, 如结帐单所示, 钥匙也被归还了. If a student has an outstanding account balance with the University, any refundable deposit must first be applied against the student's outstanding account. If the student's outstanding account balance exceeds the refundable deposit, the student will not be entitled to a refund of the deposit.


如果是补助金的组合, 奖学金, and/or payments creates a credit balance to the student's account, the Office of 学生财务服务 will refund the credit balance to the student by means of a check or by direct deposit. All institutional 奖学金 must be applied toward tuition, 费用, 以及校内住宿和伙食费. 所有联邦, 状态, and institutional grants are credited to the student's account first, and any 奖学金 are applied to the balance of the student's aid eligibility for the semester.





当一个学生放弃课程或退学时, it may affect the student’s future eligibility for financial aid. Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requires students to complete at least 67% of the classes that they attempt. Students who fail to meet SAP guidelines are placed on financial aid warning for the next semester of enrollment. 在那个学期里, 如果学生不符合SAP的指导方针, the student is placed on financial aid suspension.